Job posting: Postdoc in research project

Profession: Postdoc

Venue: DPU, Aarhus Campus

Date of employment: September 1, 2021

Application deadline: May 10, 2021

The Danish School of Education, DPU, Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the research project 'Research for impact. Integrating research and societal impact in the humanities PhD', financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Research context

The project studies the societal value and impact of doctoral education within the humanities across policy-making, institutional leadership, research environments and individual (current and former) doctoral students. Earlier research has mainly focused on only one of these levels at a time, whereby the mutual influence and entanglement of the levels has been underresearched. The fact that the project researches across levels focusing on the interconnections between them means that a more comprehensive and complementary understanding of doctoral education within the humanities becomes possible.

The position

The postdoc will be part of the project team. The primary task of the postdoc will be to identify, recruit and interview leading researchers within the humanities across Danish universities about the societal and cultural meaning, purpose, value and impact of a PhD in the humanities. The group of potential interviewees in the research project may include research programme directors, doctoral supervisors, leaders of research teams or groups, and other influential researchers within the humanities. The postdoc will be the main driver of work package two (the project consists of three work packages), and will collaborate with the PI and co-investigators on the project. Work package two focuses on the understanding of knowledge creation and dissemination, research practices and cultures, doctoral education, and the societal impact of the PhD within the humanities at Danish universities.

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